. paypig perry – Diamond Diva Princess & Her Financial Devotee Trophies

Tempting Teaser Excerpt:


perry has this huge mountain of debt that he owes to the BANK OF DDP.. which has been accrued through the most unethical banking practices.. ha! I come up with all these very fun games that perry piggybank has no chance of winning, and for each game perry piggybank has to PAY, and in addition, each game he doesn’t win, MORE $$ is added to the ever-growing MOUNTAIN OF DEBT he owes to Me!

One of these games included perry piggybank applying for high rate store credit cards, and maxing them on Me – one round that we played went like this:

perry piggybank ordered for Me on the first day:

  • Four Vera Wang Fine China Place settings at a total of 109.00 for EACH setting
  • One bottle of DIOR Eau de Parfum at a total of 75.00
  • One bottle each of Nanette Lepore Eau de Parfum & Enchanting Hand Cream at a total of 83.00
  • Two solid Sterling Silver flatware settings at a total of 169.00 for EACH setting

I told perry piggybank we were playing a new edition of the MOUNTAIN OF DEBT game but didn’t tell him what this editions rules were until AFTER he bought all of the above items. THEN I told him, that the game twist was that now he was to take the grand total of the above items, multiply it times TWO, and ADD it to his mountain of debt ledger total!!


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